How Much Value Does Your Home Gain by Adding Customized Closets

How Much Value Does Your Home Gain by Adding Customized Closets

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While renovating a house, homeowners rarely consider adding customized closets to their houses. They mostly focus on upgrading areas that might leave a bigger impression while overlooking that potential buyers need storage space for their homes. But,adding a closet to a room can make the living space more practical and organized.

A personalized closet gives higher returns for your investments than other renovations. It adds personality to your living space, making it unique. Also, adding a small custom closet in a spare room makes it feel like an extra bedroom, increasing the overall resell value of the home. Today, we’ll explore how adding a customized closet can increase your home’s value.

Do Customized Closets Increase House Value?

Adding a customized closet is one of the best upgrades you can do to your home to increase its value. This is a desirable feature of a new home for most future homeowners, as this simple upgrade can skyrocket a home’s value. 

A custom closet’s value to your home depends largely on its quality and size. That’s why a custom closet is no longer just a luxury; it’s a must-have feature in modern homes.  It adds value to your property and enhances its marketability. 

How Much Does a Customized Closet Increase Your Home’s Value?

While there are other ways of increasing your home’s value, adding a customized closet is the easiest and has an incredible return on investment. There are several ways a customized closet can increase the value of your home. Some of them include:

Extra StorageThis is buyers’ most common inquiry to realtors. They prioritize homes with ample storage options because it allows them to store their belongings and keep their room looking clean and neat. And closets do just that. Buyers find all sorts of custom closets appealing, such as reach-in closes and walk-in closets. Kid’s closets are also in high demand. 

Adds Visual InterestA customized closet introduces visual interest to the home, which buyers find attractive. And a well-organized house is more likely to pique the interest of a buyer than an unorganized one. Closets solve that problem.

This will also give the buyers an idea of the available space. Different buyers have different needs; for some, insufficient storage space can be a deal-breaker. 

Adds a Touch of LuxuryMost potential buyers perceive customized closets as a luxurious feature that brings elegance to any home. And if they can find a home with a beautiful, organized space – featuring a visually appealing custom closet – all within a budget, they consider it an absolute bargain. This drastically increases the value of the home.

A custom closet can range between a few hundred and several thousand dollars based on the features. But even a budget custom closet can add a touch of luxury to your home that most traditional same-budget homes lack. This is how a simple upgrade can increase the value of your home.

How to Increase Your Closet’s Impact on Home Value?

There are several ways you can increase the impact of your closet on your home’s value. Here are the top three:

  1. Determine the Storage Location: Before randomly adding a closet in a room, you must consider where your buyers need space most. For most people, having enough storage in the bedroom and kitchen is crucial. So adding a custom closet in the bedroom/kitchen will greatly enhance its appeal for potential buyers.
  2. Add Cedar Closets: Cedar is a popular building material for closets. It’s ideal for custom closets as it keeps moisture away, smells pleasant, and fends off insects. Cedar closets are also highly sustainable. That’s why they’re popular among eco-conscious buyers. Checking out a few cedar closet ideas will be worth the investment.
  3. Details Matter: An important thing about custom closets is the details. The type of finish you add, how well the color complements the room’s color, how it’s laid out, the design of the doors, and the overall closet design play a significant role in deciding how much value it will present.

Make your home stand out to potential buyers with a custom closet. The added space and personal touch enhance its value and desirability.

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